Aldersgate, Advent 2024
The 2024 Advent season at Aldersgate United Methodist Church, Jackson, MS is shaping up to be a blessing.
Before the season officially began a video from Pastor Cross tells about God’s thankful and faithfulness ref Psalm 136:1-9. Thankful & Faithfulness 2024
December 1 through Dec 25. Advent season events range from traditional worship services to fellowship and fun events, musical cantata, Bible study groups and community outreach activities.
The four Sundays of Advent will be highlighted each week with Luke 21:25-36 highlighting Hope aka Prophecy candle, Luke 3:1-6 the Bethlehem candle talking about Love; Luke 3:7-18 reflecting on the Shepherd candle or Joy; Luke 1:39-45 while the Angel candle speaking of Peace plus the Christ candle, John 1:1-14 or Hebrew 1:1-12 to the celebrated on Dec 25 ends the season.


Mission Statement: “Aldersgate, a Church after God’s own heart, creating environments for the transformation of Disciples to be more like Christ in our community and in our world.
Online~Way to Give
God loves a cheerful giver, Prov. 22:9 such joyous-motivated giving to others expresses God’s gracious giving to believers 2 Cor. 9:11-14.
In person or by postal service – Cash or checks may be placed in the offering plate or mailed to Aldersgate United Methodist, 655 Beasley Road, Jackson, MS 39206
Online banking Options:
Scheduled recurring online contribution through your financial institution mail to Aldersgate United Methodist, 655 Beasley Road, Jackson, MS 39206
Use the online link to make a one-time or recurring contributions with your credit card, debit card, or banking account. You can also create an account at
QR Code – scan this code from your smartphone and follow the instructions.
Contact Us
Aldersgate United Methodist Church
655 Beasley Rd.
Jackson, MS 39206
Service Times: Join Us
Sunday School at 9:30 AM
Sunday Morning Worship Service at 11:00 am via Live Stream
I-55 take Exit 102B onto Beasley Rd.
Arrive in 1.8 miles on left.
I-220 take Exit 9 on Hanging Moss Rd.
Turn left onto Beasley Rd. Arrive 0.1 miles on the right.
Prayer Request
Click the link below to complete a
The Prayer Ministry of Aldersgate will go to God on your behalf.
Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God, and the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus. — Philippians 4:6-7 (NIV)